How’s the head? Premier article en anglais par Aoife

This is something you are bound to hear in the aftermath of St Patricks Day! It refers to the levels of alcohol you consumed over the weekend. It is a polite way of asking are you well recovered. I do hope you enjoyed the day, the many parties, events, meals and the festive atmosphere where ever you were. But don’t forget being Irish is not just for the day.

The clocks are soon to change. We will spring forward and lose an hour of the precious time we have in bed! In advance of this change of the clocks in Ireland on the 31st of March, let’s enjoy the extra hour for the next two weeks. Get out for a walk some evening! Weather you climb the steps to Shandon or visit Fitzgerald’s park down the Mardyke see a part of cork you’ve never seen before. I myself plan on going for a few walks down the lee fields.

If you are like most tourists you possess a wealth of knowledge in your smart phone so it will not be easy to get lost. However do not hesitate to venture a conversation with the locals, we do not bite! They may give you directions to the nearest pub but keep on walking by.

After a fine long walk in any direction don’t hesitate to reward yourself. Life is too short. Nothing is more of a treat to a Corkorian* than a trip to Jackie Lennox’s on Bandon road. If you have not yet tried Jackie Lennox’s battered sausages, mushy peas and Chips with curry sauce you have not yet lived!!

So there you have it friends, my challenge for the week—–Tweet @a4adrama with your best photos from your walks around Cork and I’ll be sharing mine all week. Before the week is out treat yourself to a fish and chips or an enjoyable meal in some of the greatest eatery’s in Cork.

Soak it all up, until next time friends!


*Corkonian – Person who was born in Cork.